Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Brim Heart

I am so excited I couldn't sleep all night! So what's the cause of all my lost sleep? Good question! Last night Jake told me we can adopt two children - a little girl and boy! This is what I wanted, but I was trying to reconcile myself to only having four children. As Ammon puts it "My heart is brim with joy." (Alma 26:11) I might have to change the name of my blog now. Hmmm...

Are you ready for a secret? O.K., it's not really a secret, but almost. Jake has put me under strict orders not to tell anyone, at Arby's, that he has succumbed to me again! Haha.

Guess what? Jake received an A on one of his papers. GOOD job, Dear! He needed a boost. School's not going so well. He's trying, but 13 credits is really draining him. You can do it! I believe in you!!!

When I put Alex down for his nap yesterday, he plopped down on the pillow, pulled the blanket to his chin, and began snoring! He is such a goof!!

And, here's a couple pictures of the girls from our trip to Arctic Circle with my parents, Melanie, Doug, and Spencer. The picture of Christina here was also from this same trip.

This little boy was hilarious! We hadn't been there more than two minutes and he was already telling Mercedes he loved her.

Check this out! Proof that Spencer still hangs out with us!

And last, but not least...



Melanie said...

OH MY GOSH! that is a terrible picture!!! Did you notice My eyes are bugging out of my head! I'm so Excited to hear I get to be an Auntie 5 times over. you'll make such wonderful mommy and daddy to 2very lucky children, but now we have to get together and figure out how to help make it all happen. LOVE YA'LL!

Krystal said...

Of course I noticed your eyes were bugging out of your head! It makes me laugh! And making it all happen? That is the question...

Love ya!
